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As a CEO, COO, CCO, CMO or CFO looking up this page, you want to know what is different?  It is fairly simple, actually.  When buying a car, do you see the bolts, the axles, the brake linings and other parts or do you choose to buy a vehicle which achieves your purpose?  Why then should you become an expert in all of the Digital and emerging technologies?  All you want to know is what business outcomes are accelerated using Digital and emerging technologies at an optimal return on investment

Blue Stairway

Whatever your business size and complexity, you are possibly using one or a few of the Digital and emerging technologies.  For example, if you are using this page, you are possibly using one already.  It is not uncommon for traditional Physical businesses to have started off one or few of the Digital capabilities implementation.  If you had started with a business purpose, vision, objectives and a business strategy which is digitally enabled already; then, congratulations!  You may still read on and possibly have a dip-stick assessment done just to know if you are missing something or in the rare event, overdoing something.  However, if you are one of those who has heard about the many possibilities that Digital and Emerging technologies offer and you are curious to know which of these are relevant to your business and how they can help you achieve better business outcomes to your stakeholders, then this service is for you.

The assessment would take anywhere between 6 weeks to 12 weeks depending on the size and complexity of your business.  With this assessment service, you will benefit from:

A Business Unit level perspective of the business outcomes that could be enabled by Digital and emerging technologies

An assessment of the cultural change necessary to succeed in a digitally enabled competitive environment

Knowing the barriers to be overcome to transform to a digital enabled business

Wooden Sign


So, you have performed your Digital and emerging technologies relevance and gap assessment and you have involved stakeholders and inspired them to develop a Digitally enabled business strategy.  Great!  

Are your business units now ready to take on this business transformation and deliver this change?  Like most business units in any organisation, there is possibly an extraordinary focus on running the Business as Usual, delivering the operational metrics and managing the escalations.  Business change is possibly delivered by a separate Change organisation within the Business unit who are possibly looked upon as the ones causing the pain if their reputation is of poorly executed change and transformation or the best in the business when the transformation is executed in a collaborative way, accommodating the changes and the timescale needs of the business run organisation.  Herein comes Agile methodology - Agile methodology is applicable not only to the IT organisation developing the actual product capabilities but also the business units too.  Agile methodology helps to better respond to changing business priorities.  For example, the operational sub-units may want certain capabilities delivered in a specific order of priority at specific points in time.  This is good since your organisation could benefit from incremental value delivered as the product capabilities are enhanced. Whilst it is common for most Digital capabilities development to be done using Agile methodology, traditional SDLC and aligned Programme management techniques still hold good when there is a need.


Your next step is to have a Digital products road-map underpinning the Digital strategy, which will enable your business units to monitor the actual development and deployment of the Digital enablers.  Are your business units and IT equipped with the capabilities to define the Products road-map on their own?  If so, fantastic, you are blessed.  Or, do your business units and IT need a facilitation service to develop the Digital Products road-map?  If so, then this service is for you.

You would have noticed the shift.  Yes, there is an adaptation of Project Portfolio management from a Project producing deliverable but a Product mind-set delivering incremental capability releases resulting in incremental value journey.  A robust Product(s) road-map development exercise would take between 12 to 20 weeks depending on the level of detail, however, key to the success of such road-maps is to make sure pilots are kicked off in parallel for the first few sprints.  Through this road-map development exercise, you will benefit from:

Embedding a culture of Product(s) mind-set delivering value continuously aligning to Continuous Capability Improvement of organisations pursuing business excellence

Building a robust Backlog with its own high-level business case, which will help to underpin the commitments made to customers and shareholders​

Re-alignment of Business and IT integration with a fit-for-purpose integrated operating model

Design Paper


With the relevance gap assessment, you will get to know the gaps between an ideal state of Digital and emerging technologies adoption when compared to the current adoption state of your enterprise.  It is only fair to say that not all of the Digital and emerging technologies would deliver benefits immediately to your enterprise.  What you are concerned most with is not the adoption of the technologies but the achievement of the business outcomes aligned to your business strategy that you have committed in your Annual reports.  For example, if your organisation is affected by operational inefficiencies may want to perform data analytics FACTCHECK from the supply chain through the end product deliverable to determine underlying cause of the time to market of the product.  As another example, if your organisation is losing existing customers or not winning enough new business due to poor quality of service may want to focus on improving the quality of service and quality of experience.  There are so many business strands to improve upon and with all things Digital, your organisation might have started off trialing out a few Digital initiatives.  But if you have an aspiration to move from trialing out something and keen to have a clear Purpose, Vision and a Strategy to demonstrate the direction of travel of your Digital strategy road-map, then this service is for you.

Developing a Digital strategy road-map that is aligned to your Business strategy will take between 10 to 16 weeks depending on the business strategy clarity at Business Unit levels and the size and complexity of your business.

Through the Digital strategy development service, you will benefit from:

Having a mapping of business initiatives underpinned by corresponding Digital initiatives that are accelerating value delivery

A strategic direction of travel with a view of the range of business benefits to your enterprise

A road-map outlining the changes to the culture, approach and IT


Envisioning a Target Operating Model that is appropriate for a digitally enabled organisation

Wheels of Motion


You should be achieving great results with excellent customer centricity, an amazing people-centric culture, a fantastic leadership and an outstanding management approach and above all an inclusive culture where diversity of thoughts are engaged to the benefit of the organisation.  

It is not uncommon however for teams to be distracted to the rigour of a methodology or puritanical purposes of technologies or just focusing on the results - whatever these results mean - than the outcomes that matter.  Self-optimising teams will recognise the distractions when they occur, acknowledge the effects, perform root cause analysis to quickly recover from any ill-effects of these distractions.

However, not all teams are on par.  They may need help from within the organisation or need external help. It's always in the organisation's interest to fix things internally and perhaps take external views on the latest best practices.


These services are often bespoke and typically, it need not last more than a couple of weeks assessment once a quarter.

Through this service, you will benefit from:

An assessment and approach to recovery

Recognition and appreciation of internal best practices

Learning from what other enterprises are doing in similar circumstances

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